Message from the Manager

Greetings of Peace and Joy!

Luceat Lux Vestra – a Latin phrase with a meaning “Let Your Light Shine” is the motto of our school. At Our Lady of Rosary High School, Fatorda, we embrace a harmonious blend of multicultural education and a nurturing social environment that fosters the all-round development of students, both in academics and character.

In a world driven by fierce competition, often described as survival of the fittest, we nurture our students to face life’s challenges with courage and resilience. We believe in ‘teaching a man to fish is worth the salt rather than giving him a fish’ and as such we endeavour to empower our students to achieve excellence through self-discipline, hard work and a deep sense of fulfilment. is our endeavour.

Our dedicated and professionally trained teachers are the lifeline of this institution. They leave ‘no stone unturned’ in their responsibility to cultivate a culture of excellence, consistently bringing out the best in our students. Their efforts marked by love and passion for their calling as teachers, and personal care towards students especially to those who need their support and attention, ensure that our students are prepared to run with perseverance, the race marked out for them. On the management front our genuine efforts within the available resources at hand are focused on continually upgrading infrastructure and providing necessary amenities that facilitate the holistic learning experience for our students.

Here at Our Lady of Rosary High School, we aim to build not only competence but also the conscience in our students. Inspired by the teachings of Christ and the Gospel values, we strive to instill virtues such as kindness, humaneness, tolerance, integrity and humility. We believe that a good tree bears good fruit and through our shared mission, we aspire to make our students true witnesses to God’s light in the world by way of being intelligent and diligent citizens of our Nation.

“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6). Let us walk together on this path of enlightenment, ensuring that every child’s light shines brightly in their journey of life. May God’s blessings guide us all as we journey together in the mission of education.

Fr. Daniel Pereira


Our Lady of Rosary High School, Fatorda